目前分類:The Life in Scotland (10)

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2010-06-10 權寶三訪Glasgow (5) (1)
2010-01-28 猜猜我在哪? (4) (2)
2010-01-26 愛心包裹抵達溜~ (2) (3)
2009-12-28 曲折離奇之瑞士行-出發篇 (1) (5)
2009-12-19 Glasgow下雪了!! (45) (4)
2009-12-11 聖誕節要來了!Ice skating @ George square (2) (2)
2009-11-10 Guy Fawkes Fireworks Night in Glasgow Green (3) (0)
2009-10-25 Seize every chance to learn (2) (2)
2009-10-02 Boyce Avenue Live in Glasgow~~ Wow Wow!! (5) (0)
2009-09-27 Registration and Orientation Day (2) (3)